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Castle Morpeth Disability Association

* Gardening - allotments with specially raised beds in Bedlington available 7 days a week, providing an opportunity for fresh air & exercise and to socialise. Facilitated sessions & support available for beginners.

*Repaint Scheme
People donate leftover paint which is given to others who need it or the Association's Handyman will use it to do small paint jobs for disabled or elderly people. ( also see entry on Handyman).

* Computing drop in sessions and CV writing. Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.New members welcome.

* Community Works – Free Handyman and Gardening service for people over 60, Single parents, Low income families or have a disability. Tel 01670 519575 for more information or to make an appointment.

* Healthy Living Group – The Healthy Living for today is a group for people aged 55+, held on the 1st Tuesday of each month (March till November) starts 1pm-3pm at St James Centre, Wellway, Morpeth

* MAPS – MAPS (Morpeth Area Partially Sighted) is a group held for partially sighted people, blind people, their family, friends, carers, and volunteers. The group is held on the 1st Saturday of the month, starts 2pm – 4pm at St James Centre, Wellway, Morpeth.

* Free wheelchair loan scheme – Loan a wheelchair or walker free for up to a fortnight. Please ring our office for more information or to hire equipment.

* Shop mobility – This is a scheme which allows members of the public to hire a mobility scooter for a few hrs or a full day to go around the local town. Please ring our office for more information or to hire equipment

* We also have many more service on offer but all details can be found on our website or by ringing our main office.

Contact Christie Thompson 01670 504488

Address: Unit 3D, First Floor, Austin House, Sanderson's Arcade, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 1NS